A life of hoping. A life of wanting. A life of waiting. A life of wishing. A life lived by children. Children with no homes. They live everyday wishing for one loving person to come and call them their child. Whether not wanted by their parents or left without a home, they long for a figure in their life to guide them.
For Josie this was her life. She lived everyday in a different home with different people. Every night she would kneel by her temporary bed and pray for a mom, a dad, a sibling, a place to call home. This was her reality from the start. Her mother was a teen mom and knew she wouldn't be able to take care of her. As for her father, he was no where to be found. All 7 year old Josie wanted was someone to be there for her no matter what the circumstance. She wanted a place where she could call home everyday. Not just for a week.
Sure, she did stay with a few nice foster families but they never looked at her the same way they looked at their own children. She wanted someone who would look at her and tell her how proud they were of her. A prayer was answered when the Jones's family came to a consensus on adopting a third child. After a lot of thought they knew it was what they wanted to do. Josie would be a perfect fit for their family.
The day the news was delivered to Josie, that a family was interested in adopting her was a day of pure joy. Nothing and no one could ruin it for her. It was a dream becoming reality for her. After meeting the family she knew that the 7 years in foster care was worth it. She still had that chapter in her life but she flipped the page and started a new one.